Brain-Disabling Treatments in Psychiatry的內容概述與目錄

 2022-05-25 00:00:00.0


前言:關於文字的一句話 xxiii


簡介:確認第一版背後的科學 xxvii

科學的徹底更新 xxvii

對上一版的日益確認 xxviii

確認從 1983 年開始的長遠觀點 xxviii

精神病學狀況惡化 xxix


Preface: A Word About Words xxiii

Acknowledgments xxv

Introduction: Confirming the Science Behind the First Edition xxvii

A Thorough Update of the Science xxvii

Growing Confirmation of the Previous Edition xxviii

Confirming the Longer View Starting in 1983 xxviii

The Situation in Psychiatry Worsens xxix

第 1 章 精神科藥物的致殘、令人著迷的作用 1

腦殘四項基本原則 2

證實大腦四項基本原則的說明性研究 4

六項額外的腦殘原則 7

藥物魔法的生物學基礎 12

心理對藥物的影響 14

威權精神病學中的醫源性無助和否認 14

藥物治療與醫源性無助和否認的關係 15


沒有已知的遺傳或生物原因 16

結論 19

Chapter 1 The Brain-Disabling, Spellbinding Effects of Psychiatric Drugs 1

The Basic Four Brain-Disabling Principles 2

Illustrative Research Confirming the Basic Four Brain-Disabling Principles 4

Six Additional Brain-Disabling Principles 7

The Biological Basis of Medication Spellbinding 12

Psychological Influences on Medication Spellbinding 14

Iatrogenic Helplessness and Denial in Authoritarian Psychiatry 14

Relationship Between Medication Spellbinding and Iatrogenic Helplessness and Denial 15

Mental and Emotional Suffering Routinely Treated With Biopsychiatric Interventions

Have No Known Genetic or Biological Cause 16

Conclusion 19

第 2 章 神經阻滯劑引起的失活綜合徵(化學腦葉切開術) 21

非典型抗精神病藥物是較弱的 D2 阻滯劑的神話 22

非典型抗精神病藥之間的差異示例 26

氯氮平(Clozaril) 26

利培酮(Risperdal) 28

干預有效性的臨床抗精神病藥物試驗 (CATIE) 29

失活綜合症 32

停用和藥物拼寫 33

失活剖析 34

腦葉切開術樣神經阻滯作用 34

非典型抗精神病藥 37

抗精神病藥物的社會控制 37

鎮壓療養院囚犯 37

在各種環境中停用人和動物 38

大腦的獨特功能 40

Chapter 2 Deactivation Syndrome (Chemical Lobotomy) Caused by Neuroleptics 21

The Myth That Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs Are Weaker D2 Blockers 22

Examples of Differences Among Atypical Neuroleptics 26

Clozapine (Clozaril) 26

Risperidone (Risperdal) 28

Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) 29

Deactivation Syndrome 32

Deactivation and Medication Spellbinding 33

The Anatomy of Deactivation 34

Lobotomy-Like Neuroleptic Effects 34

Atypical Neuroleptics 37

Social Control With Antipsychotic Drugs 37

Suppression of Nursing Home Inmates 37

Deactivating People and Animals in Varied Settings 38

The Unique Function of the Brain 40


抗精神病藥引起的痛苦,包括激動、絕望和抑鬱 43

對治療的抵抗力 44

急性肌張力障礙反應 45

神經安定藥引起的帕金森症的絕望 46

帕金森氏症作為腦殘治療的一個方面 48

靜坐不能的痛苦 48

抗精神病藥引起的抑鬱和自殺 51

與非典型抗精神病藥物相關的風險 52

強制問題 53

Chapter 3

Neuroleptic-Induced Anguish, Including Agitation, Despair, and Depression 43

Resistance to Treatment 44

Acute Dystonic Reactions 45

Despair in Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism 46

Parkinsonism as an Aspect of Brain-Disabling Therapy 48

Anguish in Akathisia 48

Neuroleptic-Induced Depression and Suicidality 51

Risks Associated With Atypical Antipsychotic Drugs 52

The Issue of Coercion 53

第 4 章


遲發性運動障礙 (TD)



非典型抗精神病藥導致成人 TD

非典型抗精神病藥導致兒童 TD


Chapter 4

Severe and Potentially Irreversible Neurological Syndromes (Tardive Dyskinesia and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome) Caused by Neuroleptics 55

Tardive Dyskinesia (TD) 56

Clinical Manifestations of TD 56

TD Rates 57

Atypical Neuroleptics Cause TD in Adults 58

Atypical Neuroleptics Cause TD in Children 60

History of TD 61

通過持續的精神抑制治療掩蓋 TD 的症狀

錐體外系症狀作為未來 TD 的預測指標




醫生和患者否認 TD














食品藥品監督管理局為兒童打開 TD 和 NMS 閘門



Masking the Symptoms of TD With Continued Neuroleptic Treatment 61

Extrapyramidal Symptoms As Predictors of Future TD 62

The Elderly and Other Vulnerable Populations 63

Relapse, Exacerbation, and Delayed Onset After Termination 65

Reversibility Is Rare 66

Physician and Patient Denial of TD 67

The Size of the Epidemic 67

Tardive Dystonia 68

Tardive Akathisia 70

Complications of Tardive Disorders 71

Physical Exhaustion 72

Psychological Suffering 72

Neuroleptic Withdrawal Symptoms 73

Are Neuroleptics Addictive? 73

Other Adverse Reactions 74

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome 75

Biological Basis of Neuroleptic-Induced Neurological Syndromes 78

Children and Neuroleptics 79

Treating Childhood Tourette’s With Neuroleptics 80

The Food and Drug Administration Opens the TD and NMS Floodgates for Children 81

Hurrying Death 82

Conclusion 84

第 5 章神經安定藥引起的神經毒性、腦損傷、持續性認知缺陷、癡呆和精神病 85

展示抗精神病藥引起的腦損傷和細胞死亡 85

PET 掃描 90

核磁共振成像 92

CT 掃描和神經心理學相關性 93

將遲發性運動障礙 (TD) 與腦損傷和癡呆症相關聯 94

腦研究數據總結 94

基於腦部掃描的遲發性癡呆率 94

臨床證據 95

TD 與認知功能障礙之間的早期相關性 95

遲發性精神障礙和遲發性癡呆 95

神經安定藥誘發的廣義認知功能障礙的意外發現 97

神經安定藥引起的兒童精神和行為惡化 98

否認 TD 患者的症狀是認知功能障礙的症狀 98

永久性腦葉切除術或停用 100

神經阻滯劑治療患者的遲發性精神病 100

精神病學避免面對遲發性精神病 101

遲發性靜坐不能和認知缺陷 103

人類和動物屍檢研究 103

抗精神病藥引起的腦損傷的動物屍檢研究 103

抗精神病藥引起的腦損傷的人體屍檢證據 104

嗜睡性腦炎的教訓 104

精神分裂症會導致癡呆嗎? 107

精神病學否認神經阻滯劑誘發的癡呆症 110

治療急性錐體外系副作用的藥物 111

退出問題和知情同意 111

結論 112

Chapter 5 Neuroleptic-Induced Neurotoxicity, Brain Damage, Persistent Cognitive Deficits, Dementia, and Psychosis 85

Demonstrating Neuroleptic-Induced Brain Damage and Cell Death 85

PET Scans 90

MRI 92

CT Scans and Neuropsychological Correlations 93

Correlating Tardive Dyskinesias (TD) With Brain Damage and Dementia 94

Summary of Brain Study Data 94

Rates of Tardive Dementia Based on Brain Scans 94

Clinical Evidence 95

Early Correlations Between TD and Cognitive Dysfunction 95

Tardive Dysmentia and Tardive Dementia 95

A Serendipitous Finding of Neuroleptic-Induced Generalized Cognitive Dysfunction 97

Neuroleptic-Induced Mental and Behavioral Deterioration in Children 98

Denial of Symptoms in TD Patients As a Symptom of Cognitive Dysfunction 98

Permanent Lobotomy or Deactivation 100

Tardive Psychosis in Neuroleptic-Treated Patients 100

Psychiatry Avoids Facing Tardive Psychosis 101

Tardive Akathisia and Cognitive Deficits 103

Human and Animal Autopsy Studies 103

Animal Autopsy Studies of Neuroleptic-Induced Brain Damage 103

Human Autopsy Evidence for Neuroleptic-Induced Brain Damage 104

Lessons of Lethargic Encephalitis 104

Can Schizophrenia Cause Dementia? 107

Psychiatric Denial of Neuroleptic-Induced Dementia 110

Drugs to Treat Acute Extrapyramidal Side Effects 111

Withdrawal Problems and Informed Consent 111

Conclusion 112

第 6 章抗抑鬱藥標籤變更的最新進展 115

從一開始就有警告信號 116

SSRI 類 117

FDA 發現接觸抗抑鬱藥的兒童自殺率增加 118


難以發揮功效 119

最近的 FDA 錄取和警告 120

兒童和青少年自殺的最終類別標籤 121

興奮劑綜合症 122

新的 FDA 藥物指南 123

FDA 關於抗抑鬱藥誘發兒童自殺的最終決定 124

臨床試驗中沒有完成自殺 124

加拿大和英國監管警告 125

將自殺警告擴大到年輕人 126

FDA 幫助製藥公司 128

Paxil 對成年人來說是最危險的 129

現實生活中的風險比描述的要大得多 129

精神藥物複合體響應 130

美國神經精神藥理學學院 130

美國精神病學協會 132

抗抑鬱藥對兒童無效 133

所謂的替代療法 135

結論 135

第 6 章抗抑鬱藥標籤變更的最新進展 115

從一開始就有警告信號 116

SSRI 類 117

FDA 發現接觸抗抑鬱藥的兒童自殺率增加 118


難以發揮功效 119

最近的 FDA 錄取和警告 120

兒童和青少年自殺的最終類別標籤 121

興奮劑綜合症 122

新的 FDA 藥物指南 123

FDA 關於抗抑鬱藥誘發兒童自殺的最終決定 124

臨床試驗中沒有完成自殺 124

加拿大和英國監管警告 125

將自殺警告擴大到年輕人 126

FDA 幫助製藥公司 128

Paxil 對成年人來說是最危險的 129

現實生活中的風險比描述的要大得多 129

精神藥物複合體響應 130

美國神經精神藥理學學院 130

美國精神病學協會 132

抗抑鬱藥對兒童無效 133

所謂的替代療法 135

結論 135

Chapter 6 Recent Developments in Antidepressant Label Changes 115

Warning Signs From the Beginning 116

The Class of SSRIs 117

FDA Finds Increased Suicidality in Children Exposed to Antidepressants 118

Easy to Show Serious Adverse Effects;

Difficult to Show Efficacy 119

Recent FDA Admissions and Warnings 120

The Final Class Label on Suicidality in Children and Adolescents 121

The Stimulant Syndrome 122

The New FDA Medication Guide 123

The FDA’s Final Word on Antidepressant-Induced Suicidality in Children 124

No Completed Suicides in the Clinical Trials 124

Canadian and British Regulatory Warnings 125

Expanding the Suicide Warning to Young Adults 126

The FDA Helps Out the Drug Companies 128

Paxil Is the Most Dangerous for Adults 129

The Real-Life Risk Is Much Greater Than Described 129

The Psychopharmaceutical Complex Responds 130

The American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 130

The American Psychiatric Association 132

Antidepressants Lack Efficacy in Children 133

So-Called Alternative Treatments 135

Conclusion 135


焦慮抑鬱的風險 139

SSRIs 中藥物不良反應模式的相似性 140

與 SSRI 誘發的成人抑鬱和自殺相關的研究 141

SSRI 誘發的成人抑鬱和自殺的流行病學研究和臨床試驗 141

成人自殺的驗屍研究 145

NIMH 確認 SSRI 會導致自殺 145

成人躁狂、暴力和自殺的病例報告 145

SSRI 誘發的成人靜坐不能、自殺和攻擊性病例報告 148

SSRI 誘發的成人強迫性自殺和攻擊性病例報告 151

SSRI 誘發的成人冷漠綜合徵 152

識別成人和兒童的抗抑鬱藥誘發的強迫性暴力和自殺 154

SSRI 誘發的成人躁狂和攻擊行為的流行病學研究和臨床試驗 155

成人抗抑鬱藥誘導攻擊的研究 155

非雙相成人患者抗抑鬱藥誘發的躁狂症 157


比較抗抑鬱藥誘發的躁狂症和自發性躁狂症 161

兩個標準來源中描述的抗抑鬱藥誘發的躁狂症 162

精神疾病診斷和統計手冊 162

成人重度抑鬱症實踐指南 164

與 SSRI 引起的兒童異常行為相關的研究 165

涉及兒童的臨床案例研究 165

涉及兒童的流行病學研究和臨床試驗 167

兒童抗抑鬱藥引起的冷漠 170

抗抑鬱藥真的有效嗎? 172

老人 173

專業反應 174

潛在的抗抑鬱藥引起的腦損傷和功能障礙 174

永久性神經系統不良反應 174

大腦抵抗 SSRI 的影響 175


老年抗抑鬱藥 180

三環類抗抑鬱藥和腦損傷原理 182

三環類:比治愈自殺更多的原因? 183

其他抗抑鬱藥 183

抗抑鬱藥戒斷反應,包括躁狂症 184

我的臨床和法醫經驗 186


專家知道什麼? 189

結論 190

Chapter 7 Antidepressant-Induced Mental, Behavioral, and Cerebral Abnormalities 137

The Risk of Agitated Depression 139

Similarity of Adverse Drug Reaction Patterns Among SSRIs 140

Studies Related to SSRI-Induced Depression and Suicidality in Adults 141

Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials of SSRI-Induced Depression and Suicidality in Adults 141

Coroner Studies of Adult Suicidality 145

NIMH Confirms That SSRIs Cause Suicidality 145

Case Reports of Mania, Violence, and Suicide in Adults 145

Case Reports of SSRI-Induced Akathisia, Suicidality, and Aggression in Adults 148

Case Reports of SSRI-Induced Obsessive Suicidality and Aggression in Adults 151

SSRI-Induced Apathy Syndrome in Adults 152

Identifying Antidepressant-Induced Compulsive Violence and Suicidality in Adults and Children 154

Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials of SSRI-Induced Mania and Aggression in Adults 155

Studies of Antidepressant-Induced Aggression in Adults 155

Antidepressant-Induced Mania in Nonbipolar Adult Patients 157

Manic Conversion (Switching) in Adult Bipolar Patients 160

Comparing Antidepressant-Induced Mania and Spontaneous Mania 161

Antidepressant-Induced Mania Described in Two Standard Sources 162

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 162

Practice Guidelines for Major Depressive Disorder in Adults 164

Studies Related to SSRI-Induced Abnormal Behavior in Children 165

Clinical Case Studies Involving Children 165

Epidemiological Studies and Clinical Trials Involving Children 167

Antidepressant-Induced Apathy in Children 170

Do Antidepressants Work at All? 172

The Elderly 173

Professional Reactions 174

Underlying Antidepressant-Induced Brain Damage and Dysfunction 174

Permanent Neurological Adverse Effects 174

The Brain Resists the Impact of SSRIs 175

Causing Brain Dysfunction and Shrinkage 178

Older Antidepressants 180

Tricyclic Antidepressants and the Brain-Disabling Principle 182

Tricyclics: More Cause Than Cure for Suicidality? 183

Other Antidepressants 183

Antidepressant Withdrawal Reactions, Including Mania 184

My Clinical and Forensic Experience 186

Discussion: “The Drug Made Me Do It” 186

What Do the Specialists Know? 189

Conclusion 190

第 8 章 用於雙相情感障礙的鋰和其他藥物 193

對躁狂症的鋰特異性聲明 193

對動物、嬰兒、患者和志願者的腦功能障礙 194

抑制對動物的影響 194

對正常嬰兒的抑製作用 195

對正常志願者的禁用影響 196

拒絕生命的錶盤 200


凱德支持腦殘假設 202

令人著迷和醫源性無助和否認 203

對中樞神經系統的毒性 203

認知缺陷的產生 203

急性器質性腦綜合徵 204

沉默:不可逆的鋰誘導神經毒性 204

低劑量維持治療中的神經毒性作用 205

常規鋰療法產生的異常腦電波 205

受損大腦的鋰破壞 206

腦損傷作為治療 206

對神經元和其他細胞的一般毒性 206

中毒腦細胞的“保護”和治療作用 207

鋰在急性躁狂症 210 中的相對無效性

鋰在預防躁狂發作方面的效果如何? 210

鋰戒斷反應引起的躁狂和抑鬱 211

脫鋰的其他不良反應 212

飲用水中的鋰 212

其他所謂的情緒穩定劑 213

為什麼有這麼多“雙相”患者? 214

結論 215

Chapter 8

Lithium and Other Drugs for Bipolar Disorder 193

Claims of Lithium Specificity for Mania 193

Brain-Disabling Effects on Animals, Infants, Patients, and Volunteers 194

Subduing Effects on Animals 194

Subduing Effects on Normal Infants 195

Disabling Effects on Normal Volunteers 196

Turning Down the Dial of Life 200

Crushing Creativity 201

Cade Supports the Brain-Disabling Hypothesis 202

Spellbinding and Iatrogenic Helplessness and Denial 203

Toxicity to the Central Nervous System 203

The Production of Cognitive Deficits 203

Acute Organic Brain Syndromes 204

SILENT: Irreversible Lithium-Induced Neurotoxicity 204

Neurotoxic Effects in Low-Dosage Maintenance Therapy 205

Abnormal Brain Waves Produced by Routine Lithium Therapy 205

Lithium Disruption of the Compromised Brain 206

Brain Damage As Treatment 206

General Toxicity to Neurons and Other Cells 206

The “Protective” and Therapeutic Effects of Poisoning Brain Cells 207

The Relative Ineffectiveness of Lithium in Acute Mania 210

How Effective Is Lithium in Preventing the Recurrence of Manic Episodes? 210

Mania and Depression As Lithium Withdrawal Reactions 211

Other Adverse Reactions to Lithium Withdrawal 212

Lithium in Your Drinking Water 212

Other So-Called Mood Stabilizers 213

Why So Many “Bipolar” Patients? 214

Conclusion 215



ECT 研究中的突發新聞:休克治療導致不可逆轉的腦損傷和功能障礙 221


ECT 研究中的更多突發新聞:休克治療導致自殺 223

其他突發新聞:ECT 無效 225

休克治療領域的又一戲劇性事件 226

美國食品藥品監督管理局和 ECT 227


ECT、女性和記憶力減退 229

ECT 和老人 230

電擊造成的腦損傷 232



死亡、自殺和屍檢結果 234

內存不足 234


腦部掃描 241

修改後的 ECT 242

腦殘原理 244

醫源性無助和否認,以及令人著迷的 246

圍繞 ECT 的長期爭議

需要禁止 ECT 249

結論 250

Chapter 9 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) for Depression 217

A Life Destroyed by ECT 218

Breaking News in ECT Research: Shock Treatment Causes Irreversible Brain Damage and Dysfunction 221

Still Avoiding the Facts 222

More Breaking News in ECT Research: Shock Treatment Causes Suicide 223

Additional Breaking News: ECT Is Ineffective 225

Another Dramatic Event in the World of Shock Treatment 226

The Food and Drug Administration and ECT 227

The Politics of the 1990 American Psychiatric Association Report 228

ECT, Women, and Memory Loss 229

ECT and the Elderly 230

Brain Injury by Electroshock 232

The Production of Delirium (Acute Organic Brain Syndrome) 232

ECT As Closed-Head Electrical Injury 233

Death, Suicide, and Autopsy Findings 234

Memory Deficits 234

Studies of Brain Damage From ECT 237

Brain Scans 241

Modified ECT 242

The Brain-Disabling Principle 244

Iatrogenic Helplessness and Denial, and Spellbinding 246

A Long Controversy Surrounding ECT 246

The Need to Ban ECT 249

Conclusion 250

第 10 章

從注意力缺陷/多動障礙 (ADHD) 到雙相情感障礙:診斷美國兒童 253

ADHD/興奮劑市場 256

美國使用模式的轉變 256

全球市場 257

多動症診斷 258

診斷兒童雙相情感障礙 259

醫生如何學會診斷和治療所謂的躁鬱症兒童 259

制定兒童用藥指南 260

公眾強烈反對 262

越來越擔心不良反應 263

ADHD 診斷的後果 264

破壞性行為障礙 264

添加標準 264

羅素巴克利:合理化壓迫控制 265


TADD 267

多動症的批評 269



ADHD:一種美國疾病?男孩的病 272

CHADD:製藥公司倡導者 272

母團的權力基礎 273


學校心理健康篩查:最新威脅 275

道德、心理和社會危害 276


Chapter 10

From Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) to Bipolar Disorder: Diagnosing America’s Children 253

The ADHD/Stimulant Market 256

Shifting Patterns of Use in the United States 256

The Worldwide Market 257

The ADHD Diagnosis 258

Diagnosing Bipolar Disorder in Children 259

How Doctors Learn to Diagnose and Medicate So-Called Bipolar Children 259

Developing Guidelines for Medicating Children 260

Public Backlash 262

Growing Concerns About Adverse Effects 263

Ramifications of the ADHD Diagnosis 264

Destructive Behavior Disorders 264

ADD Criteria 264

Russell Barkley: Rationalizing Oppressive Control 265

A Disease That Goes Away With Attention 266

ADD and TADD 267

Critiques of ADHD 269

Comorbidity and Misguided Diagnoses 270

The Supposed Physical Basis for ADHD 271

ADHD: An American Disease? A Boy’s Disease 272

CHADD: A Drug Company Advocate 272

The Power Base of the Parent Groups 273

On-the-Spot Diagnosis 275

Mental Health Screening in Schools: The Latest Threat 275

Moral, Psychological, and Social Harm 276

Like Shining Stars 278



多種不良反應 286


托莫西汀 (Strattera) 295

Strattera 誘發的自殺 295

食品藥品監督管理局繼續將興奮劑的風險降至最低 296

再一次,太少,太遲了 298

美國精神病學協會的勝利 299

興奮劑依賴 300

關注緝毒局 301

納丁蘭伯特研究 303

興奮劑 303 的大腦致殘、令人著迷的效果

興奮劑引起的腦損傷和功能障礙 307



興奮劑引起的腦化學和顯微病理學異常 310

關於利他林 313 的最新不祥新聞

發育神經毒性 315

興奮劑引起的生長抑制 315

結論 316

Chapter 11 Stimulant-Induced Brain Damage, Brain Dysfunction, and Psychiatric Adverse Reactions 283

An Ineffective Treatment 284

A Wide Variety of Adverse Effects 286

More Extreme Intoxication Reactions 293

Atomoxetine (Strattera) 295

Strattera-Induced Suicidality 295

The Food and Drug Administration Continues to Minimize the Risks of Stimulants 296

Once Again, Too Little, Too Late 298

A Triumph for the American Psychiatric Association 299

Stimulant Dependence 300

Concern at the Drug Enforcement Administration 301

Nadine Lambert Studies 303

The Brain-Disabling, Spellbinding Effects of Stimulants 303

Brain Damage and Dysfunction Caused by Stimulants 307

Brain Atrophy Caused by Methylphenidate 307

Gross Brain Dysfunction Caused by Methylphenidate and Amphetamine 310

Abnormalities of Brain Chemistry and Microscopic Pathology Caused by Stimulants 310

The Latest Ominous News About Ritalin 313

Developmental Neurotoxicity 315

Growth Suppression Caused by Stimulants 315

Conclusion 316


麻醉學前沿研究證實了腦功能障礙 319


腦功能障礙作為主要臨床效應 322

產生行為異常的機制 323

苯二氮卓類藥物 (BZ) 的不良反應 324



Halcion 和 Xanax 引起的認知、情緒和行為異常 327

來自食品藥品監督管理局的自發報告系統的證據 330

美國和英國的反應不同 334

BZ 使用中的其他風險 336

BZs 作為自殺的工具 336

對睡眠和腦電圖的影響 337

精神疾病診斷和統計手冊確認 BZ 誘發的持續性健忘症和癡呆症 338

研究表明 BZ 的持續性損傷和癡呆症

其他睡眠藥物 340

依賴和退出 341

結論 344

Chapter 12 Antianxiety Drugs, Including Behavioral Abnormalities Caused by Xanax and Halcion 319

Frontier Research in Anesthesiology Confirms the Brain-Disabling Principle 319

The Drugs 320

Brain Disability As the Primary Clinical Effect 322

Mechanisms for Producing Behavioral Abnormalities 323

Adverse Reactions to Benzodiazepines (BZs) 324

The Production of Mania and Rage 325

The Production of Depression and Suicide 326

Cognitive, Emotional, and Behavioral Abnormalities Caused by Halcion and Xanax 327

Evidence From the Food and Drug Administration’s Spontaneous Reporting System 330

American and British Responses Diverge 334

Other Risks in BZ Use 336

BZs As Instruments of Suicide 336

Effects on Sleep and the Electroencephalogram 337

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Confirms BZ-Induced Persistent Amnesia and Dementia 338

Research Indicating Persistent Impairment and Dementia From BZs 339

Other Medications for Sleep 340

Dependence and Withdrawal 341

Conclusion 344

第 13 章食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 和國家心理健康研究所 (NIMH):藥品公司倡導者 347

獲得批准上市藥物 349

在藥物上市前展示療效 350


藥物批准後監測 351

製藥公司的持續責任 351

在藥物上市前測試安全性 352

評估臨床試驗數據的更微妙的困難 356

FDA 批准過程中的其他被忽視領域 359

利潤動機 361

藥物上市後監測安全性 361

MedWatch(自發報告系統)的影響 363

從 MedWatch SRS 得出科學結論


未能識別神經阻滯劑惡性綜合徵 366

FDA 就遲發性運動障礙向工業界屈服 367

按摩數據:百憂解批准流程 369

落後於歐洲標準:Zoloft 370

鎳氫 373

Chapter 13 The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH): Drug Company Advocates 347

Gaining Approval to Market the Drug 349

Demonstrating Efficacy Before the Drug Is Marketed 350

Creating the Label for the Drug 350

Monitoring After Drug Approval 351

Continuing Drug Company Responsibilities 351

Testing Safety Before the Drug Is Marketed 352

More Subtle Difficulties in Evaluating Clinical Trial Data 356

Other Neglected Areas in the FDA Approval Process 359

The Profit Motive 361

Monitoring Safety After the Drug Is Marketed 361

The Impact of MedWatch (the Spontaneous Reporting System) 363

Drawing Scientific Conclusions From the MedWatch SRS 364

Four Approval System Failures 366

Failure to Recognize Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome 366

The FDA Caves In to Industry on Tardive Dyskinesia 367

Massaged Data: The Prozac Approval Process 369

Falling Behind European Standards: Zoloft 370

NIMH 373



禮來和百憂解 380

禮來公司從一開始就知道百憂解的作用就像興奮劑 380

禮來(Eli Lilly)成功騙取法律制度 382

禮來 (Eli Lilly) 向美國食品和藥物管理局 (FDA) 承認百憂解經常導致抑鬱症 383

禮來 (Eli Lilly) 隱藏了百憂解誘發的躁狂症 384 的影響

禮來(Eli Lilly)證實並隱藏百憂解過度刺激 384

隱藏兒童百憂解誘發的躁狂和攻擊行為的風險 385

禮來(Eli Lilly)和 FDA 忽略關於百憂解 385 的攻擊性行為的報告

禮來(Eli Lilly)和 FDA 忽略關於百憂解 386 的自殺行為報告

禮來(Eli Lilly)在對照臨床試驗中隱藏使用百憂解增加的自殺率 386

禮來公司員工表達恥辱 388

禮來公司最早的研究中對百憂解的不良反應 389

禮來公司最早的動物研究中百憂解誘導的攻擊性 390

英國和德國監管機構詢問百憂解引起的刺激、激動和抑鬱 391

禮來 (Eli Lilly) 隱藏靜坐不能 392

禮來(Lilly)掩蓋百憂解戒斷反應 393

Zoloft 和 Paxil 394 的類似藥物批准問題

百憂解與單胺氧化酶抑製劑和色氨酸 394 的相互作用

百憂解與三環類抗抑鬱藥 395 聯用

禮來 (Eli Lilly) 深陷爭議,可能會危及生命 395

禮來公司努力隱藏致命藥物不良反應的數據 398

葛蘭素史克 (GSK) 和 Paxil 399

Paxil 過度刺激 399

拉庫宗案 400

Paxil 和 GSK 受到醫學期刊和外國藥品監管機構的批評 402

紐約州總檢察長對葛蘭素史克和 Paxil 403 採取行動


英國精神病學與美國精神病學 406

有總比沒有好? 407

關於拼寫的最後一句話 408

Chapter 14 Drug Company Deceptions 377

Relying on Junk Science 379

Eli Lilly and Prozac 380

Eli Lilly Knew From the Start That Prozac Acts Like a Stimulant 380

Eli Lilly Successfully Bamboozles the Legal System 382

Eli Lilly Acknowledges to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) That Prozac Frequently Causes Depression 383

Eli Lilly Hides the Implications of Prozac-Induced Mania 384

Eli Lilly Confirms and Hides Prozac Overstimulation 384

Hiding the Risk of Prozac-Induced Mania and Aggression in Children 385

Eli Lilly and the FDA Ignore Reports of Aggressive Behavior on Prozac 385

Eli Lilly and the FDA Ignore Reports of Suicidal Behavior on Prozac 386

Eli Lilly Hides Increased Suicidality on Prozac in Controlled Clinical Trials 386

Eli Lilly Employees Express Shame 388

Adverse Reactions to Prozac in Eli Lilly’s Earliest Research 389

Prozac-Induced Aggression in Eli Lilly’s Earliest Animal Studies 390

British and German Regulatory Authorities Inquire About Prozac-Induced Stimulation, Agitation, and Depression 391

Eli Lilly Hides Akathisia 392

Lilly Covers Up Prozac Withdrawal Reactions 393

Similar Drug Approval Problems With Zoloft and Paxil 394

Prozac Interaction With Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors and Tryptophan 394

Prozac in Combination With Tricyclic Antidepressants 395

Eli Lilly Mired in Controversies With Life-Threatening Implications 395

Lilly Fights to Hide Data on Deadly Adverse Drug Effects 398

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Paxil 399

Paxil Overstimulation 399

The Lacuzong Case 400

Paxil and GSK Criticized by Medical Journals and Foreign Drug Regulatory Agencies 402

The Attorney General of New York State Takes Action Against GSK and Paxil 403

Britain Takes Action 405

British Psychiatry Versus American Psychiatry 406

Better Than Nothing? 407

A Final Word on Spellbinding 408


基本原則 412

特殊問題 415

避免危及生命的風險 417

取款期間的身體風險 417

與特定藥物相關的戒斷症狀 418

退出 SSRI 418

退出三環 419

從鋰和其他情緒穩定劑中撤出 419

退出抗精神病藥 420

退出興奮劑 420

從苯二氮卓類藥物中撤出 421


面對藥物束縛的後果 423

慶祝新生活 423

治療師的治療臨在 424


真的和他們說話? 426

廣泛的文獻 427

精神科藥物作為最後的手段 428

外科醫生、計算機專家和精神科醫生 431

真正心理治療的道德基礎 432

我的精神病學和心理治療臨床實踐 436

437 苦難的作用

無藥物治療 438

20 治療深度不安的人的指南 441

結論 457

附錄:459 類精神病藥物

參考書目 463

索引 527

Chapter 15 How to More Safely Stop Taking Psychiatric Drugs 411

Basic Principles 412

Special Problems 415

Avoiding Life-Threatening Risks 417

Physical Risks During Withdrawal 417

Withdrawal Symptoms Associated With Specific Drugs 418

Withdrawal From SSRIs 418

Withdrawal From Tricyclics 419

Withdrawal From Lithium and Other Mood Stabilizers 419

Withdrawal From Neuroleptics 420

Withdrawal From Stimulants 420

Withdrawal From Benzodiazepines 421

Psychotherapy During Drug Withdrawal 422

Facing the Aftermath of Medication Spellbinding 423

Celebrating a New Life 423

The Therapist’s Healing Presence 424

Chapter 16 Failed Promises, Last Resorts, and Psychotherapy 425

Actually Talk to Them? 426

An Extensive Literature 427

Psychiatric Drugs As a Last Resort 428

The Surgeon, the Computer Specialist, and the Psychiatrist 431

The Moral Foundation of Genuine Psychotherapy 432

My Clinical Practice of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy 436

The Function of Suffering 437

Drug-Free Therapy 438

20 Guidelines for Treating Deeply Disturbed Persons 441

Conclusion 457

Appendix: Psychiatric Medications by Category 459

Bibliography 463

Index 527