NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

 2017-12-04 17:52:00.0

據說,別人去NIPS 2017是這樣的:

NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

谷歌去NIPS 2017是這樣的:

 NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

按:今天,人工智能領域本年度最後一個學術盛會、機器學習領域頂級會議、第31屆神經信息處理系統大會(NIPS 2017)就要在加州長灘市開啓了。(我們記者也將親臨現場進行全程報道!)

谷歌作爲鑽石贊助商,今年共有450人去參加NIPS大會,而我們知道NIPS 2017的參會人數總共有5000+,所以如果你在會場,那麼放眼望去,看到的每13個人差不多就有一個是谷歌的人,並且人家這些人還都不是來玩的。


1、接收論文(Accepted Papers)





A Meta-Learning Perspective on Cold-Start Recommendations for Items
Manasi Vartak, Hugo Larochelle, Arvind Thiagarajan

AdaGAN: Boosting Generative Models
Ilya Tolstikhin, Sylvain Gelly, Olivier Bousquet, Carl-Johann Simon-Gabriel, Bernhard Schölkopf

Deep Lattice Networks and Partial Monotonic Functions
Seungil You, David Ding, Kevin Canini, Jan Pfeifer, Maya Gupta

From which world is your graph
Cheng Li, Varun Kanade, Felix MF Wong, Zhenming Liu

Hiding Images in Plain Sight: Deep Steganography
Shumeet Baluja

Improved Graph Laplacian via Geometric Self-Consistency
Dominique Joncas, Marina Meila, James McQueen

Model-Powered Conditional Independence Test
Rajat Sen, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Alexandros Dimakis, Sanjay Shakkottai

Nonlinear random matrix theory for deep learning
Jeffrey Pennington, Pratik Worah

Resurrecting the sigmoid in deep learning through dynamical isometry: theory and practice
Jeffrey Pennington, Samuel Schoenholz, Surya Ganguli

SGD Learns the Conjugate Kernel Class of the Network
Amit Daniely

SVCCA: Singular Vector Canonical Correlation Analysis for Deep Learning Dynamics and Interpretability
Maithra Raghu, Justin Gilmer, Jason Yosinski, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein

Learning Hierarchical Information Flow with Recurrent Neural Modules
Danijar Hafner, Alexander Irpan, James Davidson, Nicolas Heess

Online Learning with Transductive Regret
Scott Yang, Mehryar Mohri

Acceleration and Averaging in Stochastic Descent Dynamics
Walid Krichene, Peter Bartlett

Parameter-Free Online Learning via Model Selection
Dylan J Foster, Satyen Kale, Mehryar Mohri, Karthik Sridharan

Dynamic Routing Between Capsules
Sara Sabour, Nicholas Frosst, Geoffrey E Hinton

Modulating early visual processing by language
Harm de Vries, Florian Strub, Jeremie Mary, Hugo Larochelle, Olivier Pietquin, Aaron C Courville

MarrNet: 3D Shape Reconstruction via 2.5D Sketches
Jiajun Wu, Yifan Wang, Tianfan Xue, Xingyuan Sun, Bill Freeman, Josh Tenenbaum

Affinity Clustering: Hierarchical Clustering at Scale
Mahsa Derakhshan, Soheil Behnezhad, Mohammadhossein Bateni, Vahab Mirrokni, MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi, Silvio Lattanzi, Raimondas Kiveris

Asynchronous Parallel Coordinate Minimization for MAP Inference
Ofer Meshi, Alexander Schwing

Cold-Start Reinforcement Learning with Softmax Policy Gradient
Nan Ding, Radu Soricut

Filtering Variational Objectives
Chris J Maddison, Dieterich Lawson, George Tucker, Mohammad Norouzi, Nicolas Heess, Andriy Mnih, Yee Whye Teh, Arnaud Doucet

Multi-Armed Bandits with Metric Movement Costs
Tomer Koren, Roi Livni, Yishay Mansour

Multiscale Quantization for Fast Similarity Search
Xiang Wu, Ruiqi Guo, Ananda Theertha Suresh, Sanjiv Kumar, Daniel Holtmann-Rice, David Simcha, Felix Yu

Reducing Reparameterization Gradient Variance
Andrew Miller, Nicholas Foti, Alexander D'Amour, Ryan Adams

Statistical Cost Sharing
Eric Balkanski, Umar Syed, Sergei Vassilvitskii

The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Structured Random Orthogonal Embeddings
Krzysztof Choromanski, Mark Rowland, Adrian Weller

Value Prediction Network
Junhyuk Oh, Satinder Singh, Honglak Lee

REBAR: Low-variance, unbiased gradient estimates for discrete latent variable models
George Tucker, Andriy Mnih, Chris J Maddison, Dieterich Lawson, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein

Approximation and Convergence Properties of Generative Adversarial Learning
Shuang Liu, Olivier Bousquet, Kamalika Chaudhuri

Attention is All you Need
Ashish Vaswani, Noam Shazeer, Niki Parmar, Jakob Uszkoreit, Llion Jones, Aidan N Gomez, Łukasz Kaiser, Illia Polosukhin

PASS-GLM: polynomial approximate sufficient statistics for scalable Bayesian GLM inference
Jonathan Huggins, Ryan Adams, Tamara Broderick

Repeated Inverse Reinforcement Learning
Kareem Amin, Nan Jiang, Satinder Singh

Fair Clustering Through Fairlets
Flavio Chierichetti, Ravi Kumar, Silvio Lattanzi, Sergei Vassilvitskii

Affine-Invariant Online Optimization and the Low-rank Experts Problem
Tomer Koren, Roi Livni

Batch Renormalization: Towards Reducing Minibatch Dependence in Batch-Normalized Models
Sergey Ioffe

Bridging the Gap Between Value and Policy Based Reinforcement Learning
Ofir Nachum, Mohammad Norouzi, Kelvin Xu, Dale Schuurmans

Discriminative State Space Models
Vitaly Kuznetsov, Mehryar Mohri

Dynamic Revenue Sharing
Santiago Balseiro, Max Lin, Vahab Mirrokni, Renato Leme, Song Zuo

Multi-view Matrix Factorization for Linear Dynamical System Estimation
Mahdi Karami, Martha White, Dale Schuurmans, Csaba Szepesvari

On Blackbox Backpropagation and Jacobian Sensing
Krzysztof Choromanski, Vikas Sindhwani

On the Consistency of Quick Shift
Heinrich Jiang

Revenue Optimization with Approximate Bid Predictions
Andres Munoz, Sergei Vassilvitskii

Shape and Material from Sound
Zhoutong Zhang, Qiujia Li, Zhengjia Huang, Jiajun Wu, Josh Tenenbaum, Bill Freeman

Learning to See Physics via Visual De-animation
Jiajun Wu, Erika Lu, Pushmeet Kohli, Bill Freeman, Josh Tenenbaum

2、Invited talk

NIPS 2017在4-7日期間安排了7場大會報告,其中谷歌作爲鑽石贊助商,其首席科學家John Platt將在4日下午5:30-6:20做首場invited talk:《Powering the next 100 years》,來講述谷歌如何使用機器學習來解決未來的能源問題。他是這麼說的:

我的夢想就是讓地球上的每一個人每年都能夠用上和美國普通人一樣多的能源。如果實現這個目標,那麼在2100年,就需要0.2 x 10^24焦耳的能量,這是非常巨大的。



3、會議展示(Conference Demos)



Electronic Screen Protector with Efficient and Robust Mobile Vision
Hee Jung Ryu, Florian Schroff




Magenta and deeplearn.js: Real-time Control of DeepGenerative Music Models in the Browser
Curtis Hawthorne, Ian Simon, Adam Roberts, Jesse Engel, Daniel Smilkov, Nikhil Thorat, Douglas Eck



所謂workshops,就是在某一主題下若干人一起進行密集討論的小會。NIPS 2017在8、9號兩天一共安排了53個Workshops。谷歌將參加其中的28個。


6th Workshop on Automated Knowledge Base Construction (AKBC) 2017
Program Committee includes: Arvind Neelakanta
Authors include: Jiazhong Nie, Ni Lao

Acting and Interacting in the Real World: Challenges in Robot Learning
Invited Speakers include: Pierre Sermanet

Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference
Panel moderator: Matthew D. Hoffman

Conversational AI - Today's Practice and Tomorrow's Potential
Invited Speakers include: Matthew Henderson, Dilek Hakkani-Tur
Organizers include: Larry Heck

Extreme Classification: Multi-class and Multi-label Learning in Extremely Large Label Spaces
Invited Speakers include: Ed Chi, Mehryar Mohri

Learning in the Presence of Strategic Behavior
Invited Speakers include: Mehryar Mohri
Presenters include: Andres Munoz Medina, Sebastien Lahaie, Sergei Vassilvitskii, Balasubramanian Sivan

Learning on Distributions, Functions, Graphs and Groups
Invited speakers include: Corinna Cortes

Machine Deception
Organizers include: Ian Goodfellow
Invited Speakers include: Jacob Buckman, Aurko Roy, Colin Raffel, Ian Goodfellow

Machine Learning and Computer Security
Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow
Organizers include: Nicolas Papernot
Authors include: Jacob Buckman, Aurko Roy, Colin Raffel, Ian Goodfellow

Machine Learning for Creativity and Design
Keynote Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow
Organizers include: Doug Eck, David Ha

Machine Learning for Audio Signal Processing (ML4Audio)
Authors include: Aren Jansen, Manoj Plakal, Dan Ellis, Shawn Hershey, Channing Moore, Rif A. Saurous, Yuxuan Wang, RJ Skerry-Ryan, Ying Xiao, Daisy Stanton, Joel Shor, Eric Batternberg, Rob Clark

Machine Learning for Health (ML4H)
Organizers include: Jasper Snoek, Alex Wiltschko
Keynote: Fei-Fei Li

NIPS Time Series Workshop 2017
Organizers include: Vitaly Kuznetsov
Authors include: Brendan Jou

OPT 2017: Optimization for Machine Learning
Organizers include: Sashank Reddi

ML Systems Workshop
Invited Speakers include: Rajat Monga, Alexander Mordvintsev, Chris Olah, Jeff Dean
Authors include: Alex Beutel, Tim Kraska, Ed H. Chi, D. Scully, Michael Terry

Aligned Artificial Intelligence
Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow

Bayesian Deep Learning
Organizers include: Kevin Murphy
Invited speakers include: Nal Kalchbrenner, Matthew D. Hoffman

BigNeuro 2017
Invited speakers include: Viren Jain

Cognitively Informed Artificial Intelligence: Insights From Natural Intelligence
Authors include: Jiazhong Nie, Ni Lao

Deep Learning At Supercomputer Scale
Organizers include: Erich Elsen, Zak Stone, Brennan Saeta, Danijar Haffner

Deep Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice
Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow

Interpreting, Explaining and Visualizing Deep Learning
Invited Speakers include: Been Kim, Honglak Lee
Authors include: Pieter Kinderman, Sara Hooker, Dumitru Erhan, Been Kim

Learning Disentangled Features: from Perception to Control
Organizers include: Honglak Lee
Authors include: Jasmine Hsu, Arkanath Pathak, Abhinav Gupta, James Davidson, Honglak Lee

Learning with Limited Labeled Data: Weak Supervision and Beyond
Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow

Machine Learning on the Phone and other Consumer Devices
Invited Speakers include: Rajat Monga
Organizers include: Hrishikesh Aradhye
Authors include: Suyog Gupta, Sujith Ravi

Optimal Transport and Machine Learning
Organizers include: Olivier Bousquet

The future of gradient-based machine learning software & techniques
Organizers include: Alex Wiltschko, Bart van Merriënboer

Workshop on Meta-Learning
Organizers include: Hugo Larochelle
Panelists include: Samy Bengio
Authors include: Aliaksei Severyn, Sascha Rothe


NIPS 2017座談會共4場(12月7日),其中3場有谷歌大牛參與。


Deep Reinforcement Learning Symposium

Authors include: Benjamin Eysenbach, Shane Gu, Julian Ibarz, Sergey Levine


Interpretable Machine Learning

Authors include: Minmin Chen



Organizers include: Quoc V Le


NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

哦,對了,另外一場座談會是:智力的種類 - 類型、測試和滿足社會的需求(Kinds Of Intelligence: Types, Tests and Meeting The Needs of Society)



Adversarial Attacks and Defences

Organizers include: Alexey Kurakin, Ian Goodfellow, Samy Bengio


Competition IV: Classifying Clinically Actionable Genetic Mutations

Organizers include: Wendy Kan


NIPS 2017共有9場研討會,谷歌只參加了其中之一:機器學習中的公平性(Fairness in Machine Learning)

Fairness in Machine Learning
Solon Barocas, Moritz Hardt


Samy Bengio

NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

谷歌大腦的研究科學家Samy Bengio是這屆大會的程序委員會主席(Program Chair),同時也將參加元學習的研討會(Workshop on Meta-Learning)以及組織「敵對攻擊和防禦」(Adversarial Attacks and Defences)的比賽。

Workshop on Meta-Learning

Panelists include: Samy Bengio


Adversarial Attacks and Defences

Organizers include: Alexey Kurakin, Ian Goodfellow, Samy Bengio

Ian Goodfellow

NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

Ian Goodfellow是本屆大會的領域主席。由他組織了「機器欺騙」(Machine Deception)的研討會,此外他還將在一系列研討會中做特邀報告/keynote 報告:

Machine Deception

Organizers: Ian Goodfellow

Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow


Machine Learning for Creativity and Design

Keynote Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow


Machine Learning and Computer Security

Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow


Aligned Artificial Intelligence

Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow


Deep Learning: Bridging Theory and Practice

Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow


Learning with Limited Labeled Data: Weak Supervision and Beyond

Invited Speakers include: Ian Goodfellow

除此之外,他還將和Samy Bengio、Alexey Kurakin等人共同組織「對抗攻擊防禦」(Adversarial Attacks and Defences)的比賽,這個比賽也是Ian Goodfellow所力推的。

Fei-Fei Li

NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!


Machine Learning for Health (ML4H)

Organizers include: Jasper Snoek, Alex Wiltschko

Keynote: Fei-Fei Li


Geoffrey E Hinton

NIPS 2017今天開啓議程,谷歌科學家竟然組團去了450人,還都不是去玩的!

Hinton在本次大會上甚至比李飛飛還要低調——只有入選的一篇論文,就是那個火爆一時的《Dynamic Routing Between Capsules》。然而,這篇論文甚至連oral都不是,只有一個5分鐘的spotlight。

Dynamic Routing Between Capsules

Sara Sabour, Nicholas Frosst, Geoffrey E Hinton

注意了,5日下午4: 20-6: 00,Hall A。爲了聆聽膠囊理論,估計這個會廳會擠爆頭!




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