
 2017-07-05 21:26:35.0

1、直腸癌 cancer of rectum

2、直腸類癌 carcinoid of rectum

3、直腸平滑肌瘤 leiomyoma of rectum

4、直腸肉瘤 sarcoma of rectum

5、肛門癌 anal carcinaoma

6、肛管癌 canal cancer

7、肛瘺癌 fistula cancer

8、結腸癌 carcinoma of colon

9、結直腸癌 colorectal carcinoma

10、結腸類癌 carcinoid of the colon

11、結腸淋巴瘤 lymphoma of the colon

12、惡性黑色素瘤 melanoma

13、惡性淋巴瘤 maligmant lymphoma

14、表皮樣囊腫 epidermoid cyst

15、皮脂囊腫 sebaceous cyst

16、子宮內膜異位症 ectopic endometriosis

17、內痔 internal hemorrhoid

18外痔 external hemorrhoid

19血栓外痔 thrombused hemorrhoid

20混合痔 mixed hemorrhoid

21肛裂 anal fissure

22肛周膿腫 perianal abscess

23肛門直腸膿腫 anorectal abscess

24肛門直腸周圍膿腫 perianal and perirectal abscesses

25坐骨直腸間隙膿腫 ischiorectal abscess

26骨盆直腸窩膿腫 pelvi-rectal abscess

27高位括約肌間膿腫 high intersphincteric abscess

28肛瘺 anal fistula

29單純性肛瘺 simple anal fistula

30複雜性肛瘺 complex anal fistula

31低位肛瘺 low anal fistula

32直腸脫垂 rectal prolapse,RP

33直腸內脫垂 internal rectal prolapse,IRP

34直腸外脫垂 external rectal prolapse,ERP

35肛門狹窄 anal stenosis

36肛門直腸狹窄 anus-rectal stenosis

37肛門失禁(便失禁) fecal incontinence

38直腸息肉 rectal polyp

39結腸息肉 colonic polyp

40黑斑息肉綜合徵 Peutz-Jegher syndrome,PJS

41結直腸腺瘤 adenoma

42結直腸息肉及息肉病 adenoma and adenomatosis of colorcctum

43家族性腺瘤性息肉病 familial adenomatous polyposis,FAP

44便秘 constipation

45慢傳輸型便秘 slow transit constipation,STC

46出口梗阻型便秘 outlet obstruction constipation,OOC

47混合型便秘 mixed constipation,MC

48直腸內套疊 internai rectal intussusception,IRI

49恥骨直腸肌肥厚症 puborectalis ctalismuscle hypertrophy,PRMH

50恥骨直腸肌綜合徵 puborectalis syndrome,PRS

51會陰下降綜合徵 descending perineum syndrome,DPS

52內括約肌失弛緩症 achalasia sphinchen ani internus,ASAI

53盆底痙攣綜合徵 spastic pelvic syndrome ,SPFS

54孤立性直腸潰瘍綜合徵 solitary rectal ulcer syndrome,SRUS

55盆底疝 pelvic floor hernia,PFH

56直腸前突 rectocele,RC

57、炎症性腸病 inflammatory bowel disease,IBD

58、潰瘍性結腸炎 ulcerative colitis,UC

59、克羅恩病 Crohn disease,CD

60、腸易激綜合徵 irritable bowel syndrome,IBS

61、放射性結腸炎 radiation colitis

62、結直腸黑變病 melanosis coli,MC

63、肛周濕疹 anal eczema

64、肛門瘙癢症 pruritis ani / anal pruitus

64、肛門尖銳濕疣 genital warts / anal pointed condyloma

65、藏毛竇 pilonidal sinus

66、骶前囊腫 presalral cyst

67、直腸陰道瘺 rectovaginal fistula,RVF

68、肛管直腸損傷 anorectal injury

69、直腸異物 foreign body in the rectum

70、先天性巨結腸症 congenital megacolon


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孫鋒 醫生
廣東 廣州 廣州
廣州中醫藥大學附屬第一醫院 肛腸外科
